Destination – Peterson’s Point Lake Lodge
Access to Peterson’s Point Lake Lodge is by chartered float plane flight from Yellowknife, capital of the Northwest Territories. This flight is included in our fishing, photography and aurora packages and is part of the adventure. We think you’ll want to have your camera at the ready as this scenic 75 minute flight takes you over this vast land of many lakes and rivers, over the treeline to the edge of the barrens, cusping the Arctic Circle (see details about location here). But, before you go, there’s plenty of time in the schedule to enjoy our signature celebratory continental breakfast served on the shores of Great Slave Lake. First you’ll need to get to Yellowknife.
Getting to Yellowknife
Yellowknife is easily accessible via commercial airlines, currently Canadian North, Westjet and Air Canada provide jet service to Yellowknife from Edmonton or Calgary, Alberta. Air North, is also offering jet service from Toronto and Ottawa throughout the summer.
Please ensure that you arrive in Yellowknife a day prior to your departure to the lodge. Flights from Yellowknife to the lodge depart in the morning, specific times vary on the type of package. Flights from the lodge to Yellowknife will have you back around noon. Flight times are subject to change please contact us prior to booking your flight to Yellowknife.
Check out our wilderness lodge trips featuring: Fishing, Photography and Aurora Viewing