Peterson's Point Lake Lodge

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View from ridge overlooking Point Lake with view of lodge and inukshuk in foreground

Location, Weather & Links

Stunning, naturally wild, Canada's barren lands

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A Trophy Lake Trout Anglers Paradise. Incredible Barrenland Experiences.

Peterson’s Point Lake Lodge is located 201 air miles/320 km north of Yellowknife on the south-west end of Point Lake. Stretching over 70 miles, Point Lake has ideal lake structure and supporting habitat for large populations of giant trophy lake trout. It also provides incredible access to many amazing areas to hike and vantage points to look for wildlife. The lodge overlooks this vast and wild landscape where guests can enjoy the extraordinary beauty of the area.

Cusping the Arctic Circle, Peterson’s Point Lake Lodge offers a prime location for spectacular barrenland experiences, whether you’ve come to experience trophy lake trout fishing, trekking, photography and/or view the northern lights.

The Barrenlands ~ Canadian Tundra

As you fly to Peterson’s Point Lake Lodge you’ll notice changes in the topography and witness the treeline subside. This landscape was created by retreating glaciers over seven thousand years ago; it is undulating and contains small lakes, wetlands, eskers, bedrock areas, and cliffs. The lodge sits on top of a mile-long sand esker, and is situated east of the nearby tree line in the forest-tundra transition zone between the Taiga Shield and Tundra Shield of the Southern Arctic Ecological Region, Northwest Territories. Pockets of boreal forests and scattered clusters of spruce trees intermingle with Subarctic tundra. Tundra dominates the eastern parts of the area. 

This majestic landscape is home to a few hearty species of wildlife and birds, the majority either migrate through the area annually or stay for a few short months for breeding, such as the rarely sighted yellow-billed loon. Read more about the spectacular barrens and check out our photo gallery here.

Point Lake, Northwest Territories

Point Lake is one of the largest lakes on the Legendary Coppermine River system which, winds its way over 525 miles (845 kms) to the Arctic Ocean. The size of Point Lake is impressive, spanning approximately 71 miles long and averages 2 miles wide with the exception of Pointless Island, a major landmass that is approximately 9 miles long x 8 miles wide. A cold and deep water lake with drop-offs and shallow rocky shorelines, offers the ideal habitat for lake trout.

Two prominent rivers flow into Point Lake, The Itchen and Sagvak Rivers, both offer exceptional fishing for Arctic Grayling.

Learn more about our amazing trips: Fishing, Photography, Aurora & Nature Tours

Landscape and lake with lodge
Overlooking Peterson’s Point Lake Lodge

Yellowknife, NT

Yellowknife sits atop the beautiful Canadian Shield. Surrounded by rugged landscape, Yellowknife sees more sun than most anywhere else in the world during our long summer days.

Curious about the weather and environment or perhaps looking for an aurora forecast? We’re provided some helpful links below and, we’ve also included some links to people who have participated in our photography workshop , we invite you to check out their pages.

Weather & Climate
Yellowknife Forecast
City of Yellowknife weather
Point Lake Weather

Astronomy North
Space Weather


Cheryl Stewart – Living Skies Photography: 2024 Arctic Photography Workshop
Cheryl Stewart – Living Skies Photography: 2022 Arctic Photography Workshop
Cheryl Stewart – Living Skies Photography: 2021 Photo Workshop
Cheryl Stewart – Living Skies Photography: 2019 Photo Workshop
Cheryl Stewart – Living Skies Photography: 2018 Photo Workshop

Robert Berdan – Canadian Nature Photographer:
Robert Berdan – Canadian Nature Photographer:

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